Friday, January 9, 2009

Service auction!

Hey Sisters!

This is your friendly reminder that we are having our Service Auction Enrichment Activity this Saturday (January 10th) at 11:00 a.m. at the church!!!!  It is going to be a lot of fun!

Come and eat a yummy lasagna lunch followed by our much anticipated Service Auction!
Nursery is provided for children.  
You will receive $10 extra service bucks by being there by 11:15!  

Also, we totaled the possible amount of service bucks you could have received if you did 100% (meaning you did each daily thing EVERY day, each weekly thing EVERY week, and VT on the first week of every month) the TOTAL POSSIBLE amount would be 146 service bucks (the only exception would be to the additional service bucks for missionary moments).  
We think there may have been some confusion in the early weeks about how much was rewarded to the daily goals, so we wanted to clarify one more time to make sure that misunderstandings don't create an unfair advantage.   If you did misunderstand and have more than that, please adjust to your best judgment!  

Thanks for all your hard work doing the 100% for 100 days, and for your willingness to serve.   If you didn't get a chance to sign up to bring a service, you can still come (and bring a service you'd like to auction off) it's not too late!  We are excited to see you there!

  The Enrichment Committee


Loving Our Life said...

I'm looking for the recipe of that wonderful white cake with lemon something that was at the auction. It was divine.

MeganandClaudy said...

plz post!
All, with teh recession and many people loosing their jobs and needing to save some green I thought my job might come in handy. I get a certain amount of free shampoo, toothpaste, mouthwaste, shower gel, conditioner, baby powder...etc. from my work (Neways) we're def stocked up, so if anyone could use some free product please let me know! THANKS! Megan Lavin

MeganandClaudy said...

plz also post:
Anyone still on BYU insurance or doesn't have dental insurance?

My friend Carly is in her last semester of dental hygeine school and just texted me wondering if I could come in and get my teeth cleaned (x-rays...the works) for free. I told her no since I just got mine done...but then I got to thinking...others might enjoy the free services... I don't know about you, but I'm paranoid and have to have my teeth professionally cleaned every six months otherwise my mouth feels gross.

Anyways, if you or your hubby wants a free cleaning (mind you I got my cleaning over a year ago when she was first starting out and she did a REALLY good job) give her a call. I told her I would be telling friends, so she knows she may be getting calls. Just tell her you're a friend of mine.
Her name is Carly Geddes and her cell is: 702-336-5174, or pass it on if you know of anyone needing a cleaning.

PS...when we went in we found out Claudy had two cavities-they also do filling and minor work there. Don't worry-the professional dentists do it...and they do it for people without insurance for a cheap was only like $50-70 a cavitiy depending on it's size. Just good to know for us struggling married folk!
Megan Lavin