Wednesday, November 12, 2008


"I really want to do some service, and I heard that you can crochet leper bandages. I have yarn, I can kind of crochet...I just need the requirement sizes, the kind of stitch, and where I would send it to when I'm done." -Megan Lavin.

Does anyone know anything about this service? 

If anyone is interested in doing some service, this is a great opportunity! 


Anonymous said...

What about hats? I can't crochet but I do have tons of yarn and 4 hat loom things. Where can I donate?

Katrina said...

I've crocheted leper bandages before. You need a very small hook and thin yarn/string....

We had fun doing in with my YW's group years ago. It's not too bad...but takes some time. If you get the stuff, I'd be happy to try to remember how to do it and help with what I can!