Thursday, July 31, 2008

A call to action....

Yay! I am so excited people are actually checking out the blog! I myself am a big fan of blogging. I think it's fantastic, and really fun to look at other blogs and get to know people through their words! 
I want to let you all know why we decided to start a blog. Our ward, in my opinion, is not the most outgoing ward. Once you get to know someone you realize how friendly they really are, but until you do, they are just someone in the ward that you don't know. We want that to change. 
In the July Ensign of this year there is an article called, "Sharing the Gospel Using the Internet." When I first saw the cover of the Ensign I was a little bit shocked and excited. Our church is great! "You have a great opportunity to be a powerful force for good in the Church and in the world." -Elder M. Russell Ballard. I thought that was amazing, we have so many wonderful things. The internet, electricity, television, cell phones, etc... They are so accessible and so useful that it is a shame people use them for such dirty and harmful things. I am so grateful that the Church understands that technology can be used for great things, such as spreading the gospel. 
This blog is to help us get involved with one another. A lot of us have blogs and this can be used as a gateway to get to know other girls. I think each of us will find that we have more in common with these girls than we think. So please, try to get to know one another. A phone call, a plate of cookies, fruit, or even a simple card can be another gateway to getting to know one another. 

(If you need any help, babysitting, dinners, someone to talk to, please call and let us know. That is what we are here for, please don't let us get bored. There are so many girls in the ward willing and wanting to help!)

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